How To Make Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic

Are you tired of using gum arabic in your watercolor painting? Want to make your own watercolor binder without gum arabic? Look no further because we have got you covered with this step-by-step guide.

Pain Points Related to Making Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic

For many artists, using gum arabic as a binder in watercolor paints can be problematic. It can affect the final outcome of the painting, making colors look dull and unimpressive. Additionally, gum arabic is not always readily available in local art supply stores, making it difficult for artists to purchase it when needed. This can lead to frustration and delay in the painting process.

How to Make Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic

Fortunately, making your own watercolor binder without gum arabic is simple and easy. All you need is a few ingredients that are easily available at home or any grocery store. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to make watercolor binder without gum arabic:


  • Corn starch
  • Glycerin
  • Water


  1. Start by mixing 1 tablespoon of corn starch with 1 tablespoon of glycerin in a small bowl.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of water to the mixture and stir until everything is well combined and smooth.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat while stirring continuously.
  4. Once the mixture thickens and turns translucent, remove it from the heat and let it cool down.
  5. Your watercolor binder without gum arabic is ready to use!

Keep in mind that the binder may thicken over time, so you can add a few drops of water to adjust the consistency.

How to Make Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic: A Personal Experience

When I first started using watercolors, I struggled with getting the colors to blend smoothly on paper. I found that using gum arabic as a binder sometimes made the colors look rough and unappealing. However, after discovering the recipe for making watercolor binder without gum arabic, my watercolor painting improved dramatically. Not only did the colors blend smoothly, but they also had a glossy finish. Using this homemade binder also gave me more control over the consistency of the paint, allowing me to create different effects on paper.

The Benefits of Making Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic

The benefits of making watercolor binder without gum arabic are numerous. Firstly, it allows artists to have more control over the consistency of the paint, giving them the freedom to experiment with different effects. Secondly, it is cost-effective because the ingredients are readily available at home or any grocery store. Finally, the final outcome of the painting looks more impressive and professional.

How to Store Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic

The watercolor binder without gum arabic can be stored in a small airtight container and kept at room temperature. Make sure to mix it well before each use.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Make Watercolor Binder Without Gum Arabic

Q. Is it necessary to use corn starch to make watercolor binder without gum arabic?

A. Yes, corn starch is an essential ingredient in making watercolor binder without gum arabic because it helps to thicken and stabilize the mixture.

Q. Can I use honey instead of glycerin?

A. No, honey cannot be used instead of glycerin because it reacts differently with water, producing a sticky and inconsistent mixture. Glycerin is a better option because it produces a smooth and glossy finish.

Q. Is there any substitute for water in making watercolor binder without gum arabic?

A. No, water is an essential ingredient in making watercolor binder without gum arabic and cannot be substituted. However, you can adjust the consistency of the mixture by adding more or less water.

Q. Can I use this binder with different types of watercolor paint?

A. Yes, you can use this binder with different types of watercolor paint, including tube and pan paints.


By using this simple recipe, you can make your own watercolor binder without gum arabic, giving you more control over the consistency and final outcome of the paint. It is also a cost-effective and easily accessible alternative to gum arabic. Try making your own watercolor binder without gum arabic today and create beautiful paintings with ease.


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