How To Paint Fill Engraved Acrylic

If you've ever wanted to add some pop to your acrylic creations, paint filling the engraving is a phenomenal way to do so. It's a perfect opportunity to take your art and give it a "wow" factor. But without the proper technique, it can be a daunting task. Fear not. Below, we will explain everything you need to know about how to paint fill engraved acrylic to make it an easier process.

Pain points:

When using acrylic paint, the biggest problem is that it will likely run outside of the designated area you want it to go. If you're not careful, you might end up with a big mess that could ruin your entire project. Not to mention, you'll have to restart and waste time and money that could've been used to start a new project.


The best method to keep paint in the engraved area is to use a squeeze bottle with a fine tip. You can find these at your local arts and crafts stores. Use a paint color of your choice and fill the bottle with it. Apply pressure to the bottle to slowly trace the engraved area with the paint. Make sure to fill the engraved area completely. Once filled, take a napkin and wipe the area clean from any accesses that may have gone outside of the engraved area. The result should be a smooth acrylic surface with a beautiful engraved area filled with your chosen paint color.

Main points:

To paint fill engraved acrylic, you will need a squeeze bottle with a fine tip, acrylic paint of your choice, a napkin, and a steady hand! Squeeze the paint into the engraved area and fill it up completely, wiping away any excess paint that may have spilled outside of the designated area. If done right, the result will be a beautiful and eye-catching creation.

How to choose the right paint:

Picking the right paint color is an essential step. A color that is vastly different from the acrylic material will bring out the engraving. Also, consider using a heavy-body acrylic paint for a more solid color. Heavy-body paints will not run as easily

The importance of drying time:

Allow it ample time to dry before doing anything to avoid any accidental damage. You are looking at approximately 24 hours of drying time before handling it again.

Practice makes perfect:

Although paint filling engraved acrylic may seem like a complicated task, it becomes easier with practice. Do not be afraid to experiment and take the time to perfect the technique that works best for you.

Question and Answer:


Can you use any type of paint for engraving acrylic?


No, you cannot use any paint type for engraving acrylic. It is best to stick to using heavy-body acrylic paints that will not run as easily, reducing the risk of a significant mess.


Can you fill an engraved area in acrylic paint and use it as a coaster?


Yes! Filling engraved areas with acrylic paint is perfect for coasters, as it will provide a durable surface and add a unique design element.


Can I use a brush to fill engraved acrylic?


It is not recommended to use a brush to fill engraved acrylic. A squeeze bottle with a fine tip is the best way to fill the engraved area without making a mess.


Can you fill a large engraved area with a different paint color?


Absolutely! Filling engraved areas with different paint colors can create a beautiful and unique design.


Now you have the technique to paint fill engraved acrylic. From selecting a paint color, using a squeeze bottle with a fine tip, ensuring enough drying time, to experimenting with different designs, now you can create beautiful things. Follow the tips above and hone your skills towards creating your masterpiece.


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